

Head of Department: Ms Clark

Key Stage 3:

A variety of painting and drawing techniques are taught, using a wide range of media. Students are required to use their sketchbook for developing their ideas, refining their work and evaluating it, so that progress can be made. Using appropriate vocabulary, students learn how to analyse works of art from different times and cultures, making connections with their own work. The creative process is encouraged by using observational studies, imagination and research to create further works in 2D and 3D. Levels are based upon skills and processes evident in two/three projects, produced over the year. These include both classwork and homework. Work in each year builds upon previous learning and skills, working towards greater control and individuality.

Key Stage 4:

Year 10:

The course aims to give students a broad understanding of the nature of art and design. The importance of continuous study is stressed so that students develop a consistent pattern of working unaided, involving themselves in independent study. Emphasis is placed on developing visual thinking, experimenting with media and using appropriate subject vocabulary. Developing the capacity for creative thought and action, the student is able to innovate, initiate and make effective personal responses. Students are encouraged to experience the work of other artists and designers in a contemporary, cultural and historical context and use it as inspiration.

Year 11:

The course aims to give students a broad understanding of the nature of art and design. The importance of continuous study is stressed so that students develop a consistent pattern of working unaided, involving themselves in independent study. Practical skills are developed through a range of activities and students are encouraged to experiment with a variety of media and techniques to explore, express and communicate their ideas. Using an appropriate vocabulary, students develop the ability to form and articulate judgements about art and design and about their work. In Year 10, grades are awarded for work that covers the four assessment objectives, produced in two units of study. In Year 11, grades are awarded based the work produced for the controlled assessment which is one unit of work. Skills in Year 10 are built upon in Year 11, with the emphasis on reviewing work and greater independence. Students are given a copy of the mark scheme.

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