Careers Education

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Careers Education

Co-ordinator: Teresa Fearn

Careers includes education, information and guidance. Careers education helps our pupils develop the knowledge and skills they need to make successful choices, manage transitions in learning and move into work. Through guidance pupils are able to use their knowledge and skills to make the decisions about learning and work that are right for them.

Careers education forms an integral part of the curriculum in the PSHE programme. The three main areas of careers learning, identified in the National Framework, form themes throughout careers work from Year 7 to 13.

Careers guidance is supported by the work that Form Tutors do in tutorial time. All staff are involved in guidance to some extent, for example support during the selection of KS4 options and through the UCAS process. We are also well supported by our qualified and impartial careers adviser, Mrs. Hindes, who is in school two days a week. Careers guidance interviews take place on a one to one basis for a number of identified pupils and those who request a careers appointment. Careers information and resources are available in the School library for pupils to access.
Our CEIAG programme aims to guarantee that all pupils who leave St. John Payne at the end of Year 11 have an offer of a place to move on to. This is achieved both through the work of Heads of Year and the contribution of Mrs. Hindes who is given a list of those who are unsure what their intended destination will be by the Careers Co-ordinator.

Individual careers guidance can be booked through Mrs. Hindes

Key Stage 3 provision includes:
• Allocated time through PSHE lessons for self-development focusing on lifestyle and progression.
• Access to careers software on the School website.
• Direction towards careers resources available in School.
• Assemblies and other information on KS4 options, including vocational and alternative courses.
• A structured and intensive programme of support and guidance for selecting KS4 options.
• KS4 Options evening.
• Targeted offsite provision where appropriate.

Key Stage 4 provision includes:
• St John Payne Sixth Form information evening.
• Annual Careers Information evening.
• Careers interview for a number of targeted Year 11 pupils.
• Supported personal statement sessions within PSHE lessons.
• Parents’ evenings are supported by our qualified and impartial careers adviser, Mrs. Hindes.
• Assemblies outlining alternative progression routes given by our qualified and impartial careers adviser, Mrs. Hindes.
• Close and continued monitoring and support for vulnerable pupils.
• Individualised plans for progression and transition between key stages for the most vulnerable and SEND pupils.
• Individual mentoring for identified pupils.
• Targeted academic intervention to support achievement for those identified.
• Targeted offsite vocational placements where appropriate.
• Targeted work experience where appropriate.

Key Stage 5 provision includes:
• Annual Careers Information evening
• UCAS and university applications evening for parents and pupils.
• Support with completing UCAS applications and access to their own computer suite.
• Careers interviews for those identified or who make a request.
• Parents’ evenings are supported by our qualified and impartial careers adviser, Mrs. Hindes.
• Close and continued monitoring and support for vulnerable pupils.
• Individualised plans for progression and transition between key stages for the most vulnerable and SEND pupils.
• Individual mentoring for identified pupils.
• Targeted academic intervention to support achievement for those identified.

The PSHE subject leader co-ordinates the delivery of careers within the PSHE programme in conjunction with Heads of Year. The careers co-ordinator oversees CEIAG and manages the delivery of careers appointments for the careers adviser. A member of the leadership team has an holistic overview of CEIAG and all the components.

Equal Opportunities

St. John Payne is keen to promote equal opportunities and to try to use every opportunity to challenge stereotypes and raise aspirations. Careers education is provided to all pupils and provision is made for pupils to access the curriculum. Pupils are encouraged to follow career paths that suit their interests, skills and strengths with the absence of stereotypes. All pupils are provided with same opportunities and diversity is celebrated.

At special events such as the KS4 Options evening and the St John Payne Sixth Form information evening we aim to give parents and pupils a view of successful career women and men. The destinations of our leavers are closely monitored and younger pupils informed so that they aware of trends and opportunities.


Parents and carers

Parental involvement is encouraged at all stages. Online resources which are accessed through the School website have been chosen specifically to help parents become more involved. Parents are kept updated with careers related information through the School twitter feed and through Sims in touch. Parents are welcome at careers interviews and where necessary invited.



The School has accessible careers resources, both online and available in the library. Our career adviser visits the School twice a week providing independent and impartial careers advice. Careers interviews are booked through the careers co-ordinator who continually liaises with Form Tutors and Heads of Year.

Past students and parents are a valuable resource and are welcomed to come in to help with careers work. We are also grateful for the support we have had from local and national industries and higher education institutions.


Monitoring, evaluation and review

The careers programme is monitored regularly by the careers co-ordinator, the careers adviser and member of the leadership team and amended where necessary. Pupils’ and parents’ opinions are actively sought and included in the review process. St. John Payne Catholic School seeks to measure the effectiveness of the CEIAG provision by considering both attainment data and destination data for our pupils at all transition stages.


Provider Access

Provider Access legislation specifies schools must provide at least six encounters with approved providers of apprenticeships and technical education for all their students:

Year group Careers provision


  1. Individual careers advice from Wendy Hinds, external careers advisor from Raleigh Career Advice and Guidance
  2. Access to Unifrog
  3. Elite Leadership careers & confidence sessions




  1. Careers Fair delivered by external providers who present on a range of careers apprenticeships, and careers in the armed forces and the police
  2. Access to Unifrog
  3. Mock job interviews conducted by a range of external professionals
  4. Individual careers advice from Wendy Hinds, external careers advisor from Raleigh career
  5. Rate My Apprenticeship online careers event




  1. Post exams results opportunity to seek careers and further education advice from Wendy Hinds, external careers advisor from Raleigh career Advice and Guidance
  2. Access to Unifrog
  3. Given information about 6th from College courses.
  4. Rate My Apprenticeship online careers event
  5. Presentation from Deloitte on apprenticeships
  6. Presentation from First Intuition on apprenticeships




  1. UCAS fair at University of Essex, including apprenticeship presentations
  2. Guest Speaker from the Bank of England
  3. Access to Unifrog
  4. Presentation from Anglia Ruskin University on degrees and apprenticeships
  5. Rate My Apprenticeship online careers event
  6. Presentation from Deloitte on apprenticeships
  7. Presentation from First Intuition on apprenticeships
  8. Deloitte coaching for apprenticeships




  1. Post exams results opportunity to seek careers and further education advice with Wendy Hinds, external careers advisor from Raleigh Career Advice and Guidance
  2. Access to Unifrog
  3. Rate My Apprenticeship online careers event
  4. Presentation from Deloitte on apprenticeships
  5. Presentation from First Intuition on apprenticeships
  6. Deloitte coaching for apprenticeships


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